Why our feeders and houses are bird and customer approved.

1. They are easy to clean.

We found that the birds will not move into a dirty house. We made it easy for the feeders and houses to be thoroughly cleaned.

2. Easy to disassemble.

If you were a bird, you would want the feeder and house owners’ to LIKE and enjoy cleaning and caring for your dining area and home, right? After all, if they could spend “only” a few moments in maintaining and filling the feeders and maintaining the houses, they would enjoy themselves more because the feeders and houses would be “busy places” and “readily used by the birds”. The owners would be happy and you would have happy families and friends.

3. They are durable.

Here’s where they really shine. The bodies are made of special PVC piping made in the good old U.S.A. The tops and bottoms are made of recycled plastic that is then turned into plastic lumber, and you guessed it, made in the U.S.A. The perches are nylon and the hangers are steel lined clothesline. In other words, they are really tough. No functional obsolescence here! How do we know all of these things? We build each feeder and house the “old fashioned way,” one at a time. And we inspect them before we sell them.

4. They are beautiful.

The beauty of our feeders and houses is a painting system that protects and enhances the art work. An industrial tough primer coat provides a base for the beautiful hand painting of which each one is uniquely created. Next an industrial strength acrylic top coat is applied to seal and protect the art from the UV rays of the sun and weather. This finish system protects the paint from fading, while producing a durable finish.

5. They work.

What good is something/anything if it doesn’t work? After many years of happy customers returning for our latest inventions/creations, we are truly convinced that Senior Moments has done a good job. We are proud of our product and you will be proud and happy to own one of our bird feeders or houses.


Meet Dave